We are pleased to announce that, with the financial support of “Guram Chaduneli Law Office” the scientific journal “Review of Modern Labor Law” has been published. The journal is the annual publication of the non-entrepreneurial organization “Modern Labor Law Center” and contains articles by academics on current labor law issues of Georgia. The novelity is the fact, that for the first time in the history of the journal, it is represented an overview of some difficult and interesting cases in labour and business disputes from the practice of “Guram Chaduneli Law Office”.
The presentation of the journal was held on May 31, 2022 at Alte University. The event was attended by judges of the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court, representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, academics and students. Besides the above mentioned, a memorandum of cooperation was also signed at the event between the “Guram Chaduneli Law Office” and the “Modern Labor Law Center”, within the framework of which various educational events will be implemented at a joint initiative. In addition to the above, our company within the framework of Pro bono activities will provide free legal services to individuals who apply for legal assistance to our partner organization.
Once again, it has to be emphasized that we are more than pleased with the cooperation we have started with the non-entrepreneurial organization “Modern Labor Law Center” and we believe that this cooperation will continue sucessfully in the future.